§ 45-54-2 Legislative findings. (a) It has been widely reported that the United States has need for a detentionfacility to be located within the state of Rhode Island.
(b) It is declared that a need for economic developmentprojects exists within the state and that the development of a detentionfacility would help to meet the need for economic development and address thedetention facility needs of the United States.
(c) It is further declared that the most efficient andeffective method to further the public policy of the state to encourage thedevelopment and construction of a detention facility and other authorizedprojects is to permit the establishment of public corporations in each of thecities and towns of the state with the power to acquire, construct, erect,maintain, operate, manage, and lease land, buildings, and improvements to beused for a detention facility and other authorized projects.
(d) Any corporation created under this chapter is subject tothe provisions of chapter 2 of title 38 and chapter 46 of title 42 and, inaddition, the directors of the corporation are subject to the provisions ofchapter 14 of title 36.