§ 45-54-8 Acquisition and construction ofprojects Lease or sale Conveyance to corporation Requestfor project. (a) In order to benefit the people of the municipality and to provide for theirgeneral health and welfare through economic development, and to maintain thehigh standards of a detention facility and public equipment, the corporation isauthorized and empowered to acquire and construct a detention facility and toacquire public equipment; and to maintain, renovate, repair, and operate thedetention facility and equipment; and to issue revenue bonds of thecorporation, payable from the revenues derived from the leasing of theseprojects, to finance the projects. Development of these projects may beinitiated by the corporation only upon request of the chief executive officer,if any, and the city or town council. Any request by the chief executiveofficer and the council to initiate a project pursuant to this chapter shalltake the form of a proposal by the chief executive officer approved by thecouncil. If there is no chief executive officer, development of these projectsmay be initiated by the corporation only upon the request of the city or towncouncil. Any request by the city or town council to initiate a project pursuantto this chapter shall take the form of a resolution. The chief executiveofficer, if any, or a member of the council designated by the council, if thereis no chief executive officer, is authorized to enter into a contract of leasefor and on behalf of the city or town with the corporation for the leasing ofany duly initiated projects, upon terms and conditions, that are agreed to bythe chief executive officer, if any, or the council, if there is no chiefexecutive officer, and the corporation.
(b) Without limiting the generality of the preceding, thecorporation is expressly empowered to lease or sell a project or any part of itto the municipality. Any lease by the corporation to the municipality may befor any period, upon terms and conditions, with or without an option topurchase, that the corporation may determine.
(c) The provisions of any charter, other law, or ordinance,general, special, or local, or of any rule or regulation of the state or anymunicipality, restricting or regulating in any manner the power of anymunicipality to lease (as lessee or lessor) or sell property, real, personal,or mixed, do not apply to leases and sales made with the corporation pursuantto this chapter.
(d) Any municipality, notwithstanding any contrary provisionof any charter, other law, or ordinance, general, special or local, or of anyrule or regulation of the state or any municipality, is authorized andempowered to lease, lend, pledge, grant, or convey to the corporation at itsrequest, upon terms and conditions that the chief executive officer, if any,with the concurrence of the council, or where no officer exists, the city ortown council of the municipality, may deem reasonable and fair, and without thenecessity for any advertisement, order of court, or other action or formality,any real property or personal property which may be necessary or convenient toeffectuation of the authorized purposes of the corporation, including publicroads and other real property already devoted to public use; and, subject tothe aforesaid, the city or town consents to the use of all lands owned by thecity or town which are deemed by the corporation to be necessary for theconstruction or operation of any project.
(e) The corporation and any municipality are authorized andempowered to contract for the acquisition of any projects or portions of themby the federal government; and to contract with any state, federal, ormunicipal agency for the performance of any services essential or convenient toits purposes under this chapter.