§ 45-55-12 Prequalification of contractors General. The municipality may provide for prequalification of suppliers as responsibleprospective contractors for particular types of supplies, services, andconstruction. Municipalities which choose to provide for prequalification ofsuppliers shall adopt regulations for prequalification in the same mannerprovided for in the adoption of ordinances in the manner provided for in thelegislative or home rule charter of the municipality. Solicitation mailinglists of potential contractors of supplies, services, and construction shallinclude, but need not be limited to, prequalified contractors. Prequalificationshall not foreclose a written determination:
(1) Between the time of the bid opening or receipt of offersand the making of an award, that a prequalified supplier is not responsible; or
(2) That a supplier who is not prequalified at the time ofbid opening or receipt of offers is responsible.