§ 45-57-3 Annual and special meetings Voting. (a) The district will hold an annual meeting during the month of October inevery year.
(b) Special meetings of the district shall be called by thesecretary upon order of the board of directors or upon written application ofat least fifteen (15) electors; and whenever the subject of ordering anassessment is to be acted on at any special meeting, the assessment must bementioned in the notice. It is the duty of the secretary to fix a suitableplace for the holding of all meetings and to give notice of each meeting, bothannual and special, by posting a notice in at least one public place within thetown of Tiverton and mailing or hand delivering the notice to each elector inthe district, at least ten (10) days before the meeting, and the notice willcontain a statement of the time and place when and where the meeting will beheld. One notice may be mailed or hand delivered where more than one electorresides, addressed to all electors there residing. It is the duty of thesecretary of the district to maintain and correct the voting list on a regularbasis, using ownership records of the town of Tiverton.
(c) No vote, except upon an adjournment, or in the annualelection of officers, may be taken at any meeting of the district unless atleast fifteen (15) electors are present at the meeting. On demand of at leastone fifth (1/5) of the qualified electors of the district present at anymeeting for a ballot on any question pending at the meeting, the ballot will beallowed; and all votes except on motion to adjourn, or on amendment to anypending proposition, will be required by the secretary to be so taken, thevotes affirmative and negative may be counted by the secretary, and the resultentered by the secretary on the minutes of the meeting.