§ 45-57-4 Governing board Elections Officers. (a) The electors of the district shall at annual meetings elect a board ofdirectors comprised of seven (7) electors of the district, and then shall electfrom the duly elected directors a president, a vice president, a treasurer anda secretary.
(b) The directors shall serve for two year terms, and shallserve without compensation. No more than one elector from any lot of record mayserve as a director at the same time.
(c) The board of directors constitute the governing board ofthe district, and the duties of the board are prescribed in this chapter, andmay be further defined by the bylaws of the district consistent with thischapter.
(d) Any vacancy that may occur in the board of directorsbetween annual meetings will be filled by some elector to be chosen by theother members of the board of directors to hold office until the next annualmeeting, at which time the vacancy must be filled by a vote of the electors.
(e) The electors of the district may, at any meeting, adoptand ordain bylaws, and, from time to time, rescind or amend the bylaws, as theydeem necessary and proper for the purposes of this chapter and not repugnant tothis chapter and not inconsistent with any other law; provided that theelectors may appoint such committees as they may deem necessary, and may fixthe compensation, if any, of all agents and employees of the district.