§ 45-58-15 Tax exemption. It is hereby declared that the Pascoag utility district, in the carrying out ofits quasi-municipal purposes, is in all respects providing essential servicesto the people of the state of Rhode Island that improves their health, safetyand welfare. Accordingly, the district shall not be required to pay taxes,assessments or sums in lieu of taxes to the state of Rhode Island or anypolitical subdivision thereof upon any of the property now owned or acquired inthe future by the district, or under its jurisdiction and/or control,possession or supervision or upon its activities or operations, or upon anyearnings, revenues, moneys or other income derived by the district. The bondsissued by the district and any income therefrom shall at all times be exemptfrom taxation; provided, however, nothing in this section shall have any effectupon the water resources board, or the division of public utilities andcarriers, and/or the public utilities commission's authority to imposeregulation-related assessments and charges on Pascoag.