§ 45-58-3 Statement of purpose. This chapter is intended to: (1) establish the Pascoag utility district as thesuccessor to the utility functions fulfilled prior to April 4, 2001 by thePascoag fire district; (2) provide for the orderly separation and transfer ofthose utility functions and related utility assets and utility bond obligations(without impairment thereof) from the Pascoag fire district to the utilitydistrict; (3) provide for the retention and fulfillment of the fire protectionfunctions and fire protection assets of the Pascoag fire district by the firedistrict; and (4) authorize and enable the utility district to provideadditional utility services, function as a nonregulated power producer andotherwise to contribute to the development of effective competition in thestate's electricity and communications industries, in accordance with thelegislature's findings as to the efficacy of competition in the UtilityRestructuring Act of 1996, as amended, and to provide such other utilityproducts and services as may be authorized from time to time by the utilitydistrict's board of utility commissioners.