§ 45-58-4 Pascoag utility districtestablished. There is hereby created a quasi-municipal corporation, district and politicalsubdivision of the state, to be known as the Pascoag utility district, theboundaries of which shall be coterminous with the boundaries of the utilityservice area of the Pascoag fire district, as established under the act passedat the May session 1887, entitled "An Act to Incorporate the Pascoag FireDistrict" as thereafter amended and supplemented from time to time and suchother areas as provided for by this chapter. The utility district shall, uponApril 4, 2001, have and succeed to the utility powers and functions heretoforeheld and exercised by the Pascoag fire district, and shall further have and beentitled to exercise the additional powers, rights and functions set forth inthis chapter.