§ 45-59-12 Governing board. (a) The activities of the district management authority will be managed by aboard of directors which will consist of nine (9) members.
(b) All of the directors will be owners or tenants of realproperty (not exempt from taxation by law) located within the managementdistrict or residents of the management district, or managers of real property(not exempt from taxation by law) located within the management district exceptfor: (1) the chief elected officer of the municipality or his or her designee,(2) owners of real property located within the management district which isexempt from taxation by law who are voluntarily contributing to the costs ofoperating the management district.
(c) Two (2) of the directors will be appointed by the chiefelected officer of the municipality within which the district managementauthority is located, one of whom may be the chief elected officer of themunicipality or his or her designee and the other will be an owner of realproperty (not exempt from taxation by law) located within the managementdistrict. Seven (7) of the directors will be appointed by the organizationwhich was designated in the petition submitted pursuant to § 45-59-5; four(4) of the seven (7) directors so appointed will be owners of real property(not exempt from taxation by law) located within the management district orowners of real property located within the management district which is exemptfrom taxation by law who are voluntarily contributing to the costs of operatingthe management district.
(d) Terms for the directors will be as follows:
(1) The chief elected officer will assign to the personsinitially appointed by him or her terms of one and two (2) years so that theterms of the directors so appointed will expire on the last days of the firstand second fiscal years respectively.
(2) The business organization designated in the petitionfiled pursuant to § 45-59-5 will assign to the seven (7) persons initiallyappointed by it, terms of one year (as to two (2) of them), two (2) years (asto two (2) of them), and three (3) years (as to three (3) of them) so that theterms of the directors so appointed will expire on the last days of the first,second and third fiscal years respectively.
(3) Beginning on the last day of the first fiscal year and onthe last day of each succeeding fiscal year, the appointing authorities willappoint directors, to succeed the directors whose terms are then expiring,which successor directors will serve for terms of three (3) years andthereafter until their successors are appointed and will have qualified.
(e) Directors will receive no compensation for theperformance of their duties but may be reimbursed for their reasonable expensesin carrying out such duties.