§ 45-59-17 Collection of assessments. The assessments made by any district management authority will be collected bythe tax collector of the municipality within which the management district islocated for the account of the district management authority. The assessmentsso collected will not be commingled with funds of the municipality andforthwith upon their collection will be remitted to the district managementauthority. Assessments will be a lien on the real property of the personsagainst whom the assessments are made in the same manner as taxes assessed by amunicipality under § 44-9-1. Tax collectors of municipalities within whichmanagement districts are created will have the same powers with respect toassessments and their collection as are granted to them by chapter 9 of title44 of the general laws with respect to municipal property taxes except thatthese powers will be exercised for and on behalf of the district managementauthority.