§ 45-59-2 Legislative findings andpurpose. (a) It is found and declared that:
(1) The continued vitality of the business districts in thetowns and cities of the state is essential to retaining existing businesses andattracting new enterprises.
(2) The financial condition of certain of the largermunicipalities of the state do not permit the continued provision of serviceswhich in the past have been provided for business districts and paid for byproperty taxes.
(3) This circumstance emphasizes the importance of enablingpublic-private cooperation to provide security, cleaning and other services inthese business districts in order to supplement, but not to substitute for, theservices now being provided in by municipalities within these districts.
(4) The establishment of district management authorities withthe power to make special tax assessments, as provided in this chapter, willbenefit the health, safety, welfare and prosperity of the people of this state.
(b) It is the purpose of this chapter to authorize towns andcities to create district management authorities for the purpose of providingthe services and undertaking the activities described in this chapter tosupplement the services provided by municipal governments.