§ 45-59-21 Amendment. At any time after the approval of a petition and the creation of a districtmanagement authority, the boundaries of the management district and thepurposes and powers of the district management authority may be amended by thefiling of a petition for amendment. The petition will set forth the amendmentssought; it will be signed either: (1) by not less than two-thirds (2/3) of themembers of the district management authority board of directors or, (2) in theevent that additional property is to be included within the district, bypersons who own real property located within the additional property which isto be included within the revised boundary of the district and who constitutein the aggregate, sixty percent (60%) of the aggregate assessed valuation ofall real property, not exempt from taxation by law, of such additional realproperty. The petition will be heard and acted upon by the city or town councilin the same manner as petitions are required to be heard and acted uponpursuant to §§ 45-59-6 and 45-59-7. Upon the approval of the petitionfor amendment by the city or town council, the boundaries of the managementdistrict and the purposes and powers of the district management authority willbe as set forth in the petition for amendment.