§ 45-59-26 Applicability of other laws. (a) District management authorities will be subject to the provisions ofchapter 14.1 of title 37 (Minority Business Enterprise), chapter 2 of title 38(Access to Public Records) and chapter 46 of title 42 (Open Meetings) of thegeneral laws. District management authorities will also be subject to theprovisions of chapter 14 of title 36 (Code of Ethics) of the general lawsexcept as follows: (1) the directors and officers of the directors will not berequired to file the financial statement required by § 36-14-16, and (2) adirector or officer of a district management authority will not have aninterest which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of his orher duties and of his or her responsibilities under this chapter if any benefitor detriment accrues to him or her or any person within his or her family orany business associate, or any business by which the person is employed or inwhich the person has an interest or which the person represents, by virtue ofthe ownership or occupation of real property located within the managementdistrict.
(b) District management authorities will not be subject tolaws or ordinances relating to the purchasing of property or services or themaking of contracts and, except as provided in subsection (a) above, will notbe subject to laws or ordinances relating generally to municipalities or tomunicipal agencies or departments.
(c) Employees of district management authorities will not beconsidered to be public or municipal employees.