§ 45-59-6 Public hearing on petition. (a) The city or town council to which the petition is submitted will forthwithand in any event no later than ninety (90) days after the receipt of thepetition hold a public hearing for the purpose of receiving comments from allinterested persons on the approval of the petition and the creation of amanagement district and a district management authority pursuant to thepetition. Notice of the public hearing will be given by publication in anewspaper of general circulation within the municipality at least once a weekfor three (3) successive weeks prior to the date of the hearing. The noticewill state the date, time and place of the hearing and contain a description ofthe boundaries of the proposed district, sufficient to reasonably identify theboundaries of the proposed district, a statement to the effect that it isproposed to create a management district and a district management authoritywhich will have the power to provide services within the management districtand apportion the cost of services among the owners of real properly located inthe district by means of a special tax assessment, and the office where a copyof the petition may be examined. No notice, other than the notice bypublication referred to in this section to the owners of property within theproposed district is required. The boundaries of a district may be described byreference to streets or highways.
(b) At any time prior to the passage of the ordinance orresolution, the petition may be modified or amended by the petitioners or bypersons authorized to act on their behalf without further advertising,provided, however, that in the event such modification or amendment to thepetition would either: (1) enlarge or add additional real property to theproposed district or (2) enlarge the purpose of the proposed districtmanagement authority or (3) lessen any limitation on the powers of the districtmanagement authority, a new public hearing will be held in accordance with theprovisions of subsection (a) of this section.