§ 45-59-9 Purposes of authority. (a) Except as its purposes may be limited by the petition, the managementdistrict commission authority will have the following purposes within themanagement district:
(1) To provide for the cleaning of the public streets andsidewalks and the removal of snow;
(2) To provide for security; however, nothing contained inthis section shall bestow or authorize any police powers on any security forceestablished by this provision;
(3) To install, repair and maintain public streets andsidewalks and lighting for public streets and sidewalks;
(4) To install, repair and maintain street signs;
(5) To provide for landscaping and the repair and maintenanceof public spaces;
(6) To provide for refuse collection and removal;
(7) To provide for motor vehicle parking;
(8) To sponsor and promote recreational, cultural and retailactivities;
(9) To promote the development of the management districtincluding collecting and disseminating information;
(10) To construct public facilities; and
(11) To provide such other services and facilities within themanagement district as may be beneficial to the management district and theproperty owners, tenants and other occupants in the district.
(b) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to authorizeor bestow any police powers upon the security force established in this section.