§ 45-6-10 Registration of vendingmachines. (a) Every city or town, may, by ordinance require each person, corporation,partnership or other business operating a vending machine service for profit,prior to transacting or conducting business from any site within a city ortown, to obtain without charge a registration certificate stating the nameunder which the person, corporation, partnership or other business organizationis conducted or transacted and its business address.
(b) Any vending machine ordinance may require the person,corporation, partnership or other business organization on a quarterly basis toprovide the city or town with a list of each site within the city or town wherea vending machine operates and the number of machines operating on each site.
The list is confidential and not subject to disclosure. Anyperson who discloses the information contained in the list shall be fined thesum of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
(c) No ordinance passed under this section shall take effectuntil sixty (60) days after its final passage.
(d) Any person, corporation, partnership or other businessorganization carrying on, conducting, or transacting business as provided inthis section who fails to comply with the provisions of any vending machineordinance may be fined not exceeding seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) permachine in violation of subsection (b) or one thousand dollars ($1,000) inviolation of subsection (a).