§ 45-6-2.3 Authorization for cities andtowns to promulgate and enforce pretreatment and sewer-use ordinances andregulations. (a) The cities and towns may promulgate all ordinances and regulations toimplement a wastewater pretreatment program. Those ordinances and regulationsmay include the authority to:
(1) Impose penalties of up to twenty-five thousand dollars($25,000) per day per violation for each and every day during which a violationof the ordinance or regulation occurs either through judicial proceedings oradministrative procedures established pursuant to this section;
(2) Seek injunctive relief for any violation;
(3) Recover damages caused by any noncompliance;
(4) Obtain reasonable attorney fees incurred by seekingcompliance, penalties, or damages;
(5) Require compliance by all users of the city or town'ssewer system, whether or not the user is a resident of that city or town; and
(6) Include any other provisions consistent with state andfederal pretreatment programs.
(b) To the extent that this statute conflicts with any othergeneral or public law, this statute controls.