§ 45-6-9 Shut off of water supply fornonpayment of sewer user fees, charges, and assessments. (a) The Woonsocket city council is authorized to enact an ordinance toterminate the water supply service of any person assessed by the city ofWoonsocket for water service for nonpayment of sewer user fees, charges, andassessments. The ordinance provides for the notification of the user oftermination in the manner prescribed in the rules and regulations governing thetermination of water services as issued by the division of public utilities andcarriers.
(b) The ordinance may provide for the assessment of any fees,charges and assessments affiliated with the shut off and restoration of service.
(c) When service is provided to a residence occupied by atenant, the tenant may, after paying the fees, charges and assessments in orderto restore or prevent termination of service, deduct the amount paid from therent due the landlord. The tenant shall provide the landlord with a copy of thereceipt from the city when making a deduction from the rent.