§ 45-7-9 Microfilming of records. The town clerk or city clerk of any city or town may, with approval of the towncouncil or city council, photograph, microphotograph, and/or microfilm all orany part of the records kept by the town clerk or city clerk or recorder ofdeeds in a manner and on film or paper that complies with the minimum standardsof quality approved for photographic records by the National Bureau ofStandards; and whenever these photographs or microphotographs or films shall beplaced in conveniently accessible files and provisions made for preserving,examining, and using the same, the original records from which the photographsor microphotographs or films have been made, or any part thereof, may be put instorage anywhere in this state for safekeeping, and any photograph,microphotograph, or photocopy thereof, shall be admissible by any court ofcompetent jurisdiction, the same as the original is now; provided, however,that the original may be ordered produced for good cause shown.