§ 46-12.1-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, all terms shall, where the context permits, beconstrued in accordance with the "regulations for underground storagefacilities used for petroleum products and hazardous materials," as promulgatedby the department of environmental management. The following terms as used inthis chapter shall have the following meanings:
(1) "Abandoned" means the relinquishment or termination ofpossession, ownership, or control of underground storage tanks, by vacating orby disposition, or the underground storage tank being out of service for acontinuous period in excess of six (6) months.
(2) "Underground" means that ten percent (10%) or more of thevolume of facility components storage tanks and piping is buried in the ground.
(3) "Underground storage tank" means either:
(a) On site underground storage tanks used for storingheating oil and serving a one, two (2), or three (3) family dwelling includingunderground pipes connected thereto; or
(b) Farm or residential underground storage tanks holdingless than one thousand one hundred (1,100) gallons and storing motor fuel orheating oil for noncommercial purposes including underground pipes connectedthereto.
(4) "Enforcing officer" means the chief of the firedepartment, the building official, the public safety director, the publicutilities director or the public works director of the several cities, townsand fire districts, as may be designated in any ordinance adopted under thischapter, or his or her designee.