§ 46-12.1-3 Powers and duties of city ortown enforcing officer. The enforcing officer shall be responsible for administering local ordinancesadopted pursuant to this chapter. In addition to any other powers granted theenforcing officer by ordinance or other state law, the officer shall have theauthority to:
(1) Issue permits for the maintenance, installation,abandonment, and removal of underground storage tanks;
(2) Require the removal, at the owner's expense, of all tanksand underground pipes deemed to pose a threat to the public health or theenvironment;
(3) Require testing, monitoring, record keeping, andreporting by the owner or operator, and record keeping and reporting bysuppliers;
(4) Inspect facilities at which underground storage tanks arelocated;
(5) Require closure of abandoned storage tanks consistentwith the permanent closure procedures in the regulations for undergroundstorage facilities used for petroleum products and hazardous materials issuedby the department of environmental management.