§ 46-12.10-2 Establishment of commission. (a) There is hereby created a commission known as the Commission to StudyFeasibility and Funding of Homeowners Assistance Fund for septic systems whichshall consist of fifteen (15) members as follows:
(1) One member who shall be engaged in the septage haulingindustry, to be appointed by the president of the senate;
(2) One member who is employed by a publicly owned treatmentworks (POTW) which receives septage, to be appointed by the president of thesenate;
(3) One member who represents a private, non-profitenvironmental advocacy organization, to be appointed by the speaker;
(4) One member representing the Rhode Island clean waterprotection finance agency, to be appointed by the director;
(5) One member representing the Natural Resource ConservationService, to be appointed by the speaker;
(6) One member representing the Narragansett Bay WaterPollution Control Association, to be appointed by the speaker;
(7) The director of the department of environmentalmanagement or his or her designee;
(8) One public member who is a resident of a community withseptic systems, to be appointed by the speaker;
(9) The director of Narragansett Bay Commission or his or herdesignee.
(10) The president of the Rhode Island Mortgage BrokersAssociation or his or her designee;
(11) The speaker of the house of representatives shallappoint two (2) members of the house of representatives from the majority partyand one member of the house of representatives from the minority party.
(12) The president of the senate shall appoint one senatorfrom the majority party and one senator from the minority party.
(b) The chairperson shall be elected by the members of thecommission.