§ 46-12.2-4.1 Power to participate inprojects to enhance the waters of the state. The agency shall have the power to exercise the powers set forth in §46-12.2-4 to participate in the following projects and classes of projects thatenhance the waters of the state: projects for dewatering dredged material, forbeneficial use and disposal of dredged material at sites above mean high waterand for confined aquatic disposal of dredged materials, provided that theproject has been approved by the coastal resources management council and thedepartment as provided for in chapter 6.1 of this title, and further providedthat the project is supported either by a fund established for the purposes ofsupporting such projects or is supported from project revenues. The agencyshall cooperate with the coastal resources management council and thedepartment in preparing a proposal for establishing a fund to support projectsfor dewatering dredged material, for beneficial use and disposal of dredgedmaterial at sites above mean high water and for confined aquatic disposal ofdredged materials.