§ 46-12.7-13 Preventative uses of thefund. (a) Recognizing the importance of the development of readiness and responseprograms, the legislature may allocate not more than two hundred fifty thousanddollars ($250,000) per annum of the amount then currently in the fund to bedevoted to research and development in the causes, effects and removal ofpollution caused by oil, petroleum products and their by-products on the marineenvironment and the monitoring of baseline environmental and economicconditions.
(b) The two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) perannum allocated for research, development, and monitoring shall be allocated tothe Coordination Team established pursuant to chapter 31 of this title andexpended by the Coordination Team consistent with the purposes of subsections46-31-9(d) and 46-31-9(e).
(c) The remaining moneys in the fund which the legislaturemay allocate to research, development, and monitoring shall be used forpurposes approved by the director. Such purpose may include,but shall not belimited to:
(1) Sensitive area data management and mapping;
(2) Scientific research and monitoring which is directlyrelevant to state legislation; and
(3) Development of more effective removal and containmenttechnologies, appropriate for the cleanup and containment of refined fuel oils.