§ 46-12.7-3.1 Financing of the fund. The fund shall consist of the following sources:
(1) Sums the legislature may appropriate;
(2) Moneys received from federal, state, or other sources forthe purpose of response, containment, abatement, rehabilitation, and monitoringcosts from an oil spill in marine or estuarine waters;
(3) Moneys received from any private donor for the oil spillprevention, administration, and response fund;
(4) Costs recovered or otherwise received from partiesresponsible for the containment and cleanup of oil at a specific site, butexcluding funds from performance bonds and other forms of financialresponsibility held in escrow pending satisfactory performance of a privatelyfunded response action;
(5) Fines, penalties, or damages recovered under any sectionsof this chapter, chapter 12.5 of this title, or other law as a result of therelease or threatened release of oil;
(6) The fee required pursuant to § 46-12.7-4.1; and
(7) Any interest earned on the moneys in the fund.