§ 46-12.7-4.1 Uniform oil response andprevention fee. (a) A uniform oil spill response and prevention fee in an amount not exceedingfive cents ($.05) for each barrel of petroleum products, as set by the directorpursuant to subsection (d) of this section, shall be imposed upon every personowning petroleum products at the time the petroleum products are received at amarine terminal within this state by means of a vessel from a point of originoutside this state. The fee shall be remitted to the division of taxation onthe 30th day of each month based upon the number of barrels of petroleumproducts received during the preceding month.
(b) Every owner of petroleum products shall be liable for thefee until it has been paid to the state, except that payment to a marineterminal operator registered under this chapter is sufficient to relieve theowner from further liability for the fee; provided, however, that the fee forasphalt products and asphalt derivatives shall be one cent ($.01) per barrel ofasphalt products or derivatives.
(c) Whenever the director, in consultation with thedepartment and the division of taxation, estimates that the amount in the fundwill reach the amount specified in subsection (e) of this section, and themoney in the fund is not required for the purposes specified in §46-12.7-5.1, the director shall instruct the division of taxation to ceasecollecting the fee.
(d) The director shall set the amount of the oil spillprevention and response fees. The administrator, except for the fee set out insubsection (b), shall not set the amount of the fee at less than five cents($0.05) for each barrel of petroleum products or crude oil, unless the directorfinds that the assessment of a lesser fee will cause the fund to reach thedesignated amount within six (6) months.
(e) For the purposes of this chapter, "designated amount"means an amount equal to ten million dollars ($10,000,000), adjusted forinflation after January 1, 1998, according to an index which the director mayreasonably choose.
(f) All fees collected pursuant to this section shall bedeposited in the oil spill prevention, administration, and response fund, andshall be disbursed according to the purposes expressed in § 46-12.7-5.1.
(g) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (f) of thissection, each July 1st, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) ofthe fees collected under this section shall be deposited into the coastal andestuarine habitat restoration trust fund (the "trust").