§ 46-13.2-1 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter:
(1) "Abandoned well" means a well whose use has beenpermanently discontinued;
(2) "Board" means the Rhode Island well drilling board;
(3) "Director" means the director of the department ofenvironmental management;
(4) "Groundwater" means subsurface water;
(5) "Person" means an individual, partnership, corporation,association, or organization, or any combination thereof;
(6) "Well" means an artificial sanitary excavation or openingin the ground, by which groundwater can be obtained or through which it flowsunder natural pressure or is artificially withdrawn;
(7) "Well driller" means a person who engages in welldrilling;
(8) "Well drilling" means and includes the industry,procedure and all operations engaged in by any person, full-time or part-time,for compensation or otherwise, to obtain water from a well or wells bydrilling, or other methods, for any purpose or use.