§ 46-13.2-2 Rhode Island well drillingboard. (a) There shall be a board to be known as the Rhode Island well drilling boardwhich shall advise the director according to this chapter. The board shallconsist of seven (7) residents of the state appointed by the governor; onemember shall be a member of the general public; three (3) members shall beactive well drillers or pump installers who shall have had at least five (5)years experience as such; one member shall be an employee of the department ofhealth; one member shall be an employee of the department of environmentalmanagement, environmental protection branch; and one member shall be ahydrologist experienced in well construction; four (4) members shall constitutea quorum.
(b) The board shall meet within thirty (30) days after itsmembers are first appointed, and, thereafter, at least three (3) times a year.The board shall elect a chairperson and a secretary annually from itsmembership. The secretary shall keep a complete record of all meetings andproceedings of the board and shall perform the usual duties pertaining to theoffice.
(c) No member of the board shall be compensated for theirservice including state employees who shall only be entitled to their usual andcustomary salary and not any additional compensation.