§ 46-14-1 Contamination of drinking watersources prohibited. Bathing, swimming, discharge of any sewage or drainage or refuse or pollutingmatter which may pollute or corrupt or impair the purity or quality of a publicdrinking water supply or which renders the water supply injurious to health orposes a potential significant risk to public health and any activity whichleads to such discharge in, or on, or in the immediate vicinity of any waterbody used as a source of public drinking water supply shall be prohibited. Inaddition, any other activity in or on or in the immediate vicinity of any waterbody used as a source of public drinking water supply which the director of thedepartment of health deems to render the water supply injurious to health or topose a potential significant risk to public health shall be prohibited orrestricted. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall bepenalized pursuant to the provisions of § 46-14-8. The prohibition againstbathing shall not apply to any camp or bathing resort located on a knowntributary of any of the above-mentioned waters if such camp or bathing resortwas licensed by the department of health prior to June 20, 1968.