§ 46-14-2 Order to remove polluting matterfrom premises. (a) The director of health, when satisfied that any sewage, drainage, refuse,or polluting matter exists in a locality such that there is danger that thesewage, drainage, refuse, or polluting matter may pollute, or corrupt, orimpair the purity or quality of any of the waters described in § 46-14-1or render them injurious to health, or pose a potential significant risk topublic health may order the owner or occupant of the premises where the sewage,drainage, refuse, or polluting matter exists, to remove the same from thepremises or to take such other steps as the director may deem necessary andwithin such time after the serving of the notice prescribed in § 46-14-3as the director may designate; and if the owner or occupant neglects or refusesto do so he or she shall be penalized pursuant to § 46-14-8.
(b) The provision of this section shall not interfere withnor prevent the enriching of land for agricultural purposes by the owner oroccupant thereof, if no human excrement is used thereon, and no pollution,corruption, or impairment of the purity or quality of any of the watersdescribed in § 46-14-1 results, and if the waters are not renderedinjurious to health.