§ 46-15.1-20 Water development accountfund. There is created a special fund called "water development fund" , a generalrevenue fund within the general fund, which shall record any net proceeds whichmay be paid to the state as a result of the lease of any reservoir sites orother facilities as may be acquired or constructed by the state in accordancewith the provisions of this chapter, or as otherwise authorized or permitted,or as a result of the sale of surplus property or any interest therein,including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the sale of excessgravel, timber, or other materials located on the reservoir sites or otherfacilities. Monies are to be deposited as general revenues. The amountsappropriated shall be made available for the purposes authorized by thischapter, and also hereby made available for borrowing from the board, inaccordance with and pursuant to the provisions of this chapter exclusive ofacquisition of reservoir sites, and the state controller is hereby authorizedand directed to draw his or her orders upon the general treasurer for thepayment or loan of such sums or such portions thereof as may be required, fromtime to time, upon receipt by him or her of properly authenticated vouchers.