§ 46-15.3-10 Water quality protectionfunds. (a) There are hereby created three (3) water quality protection funds: one ofwhich shall be administered by and be in the custody of the treasurer of thewater resources board, one of which shall be administered by and be in thecustody of the city of Providence acting through the Providence water supplyboard, and one of which shall be in the custody of the general treasurer. Thefirst two (2) mentioned funds shall consist of such amounts as the state or thecity of Providence may from time to time appropriate, all water qualityprotection charges other than the six and nine tenths percent (6.9%) andfifty-seven percent (57.0%) portions referred to in § 46-15.3-9, proceedsfrom the sale of bonds and notes, as provided in subsection (b) below, and anymoney which may have been obtained as grants, bequests, donations, gifts, orfines which are intended to be used for purposes consistent with this chapter.This third mentioned fund shall be hereby established as a general revenuereceipt account known as the "water resources operating fund".
(2) The general revenue appropriations made available fromthe general revenue receipts credited to "Water Resources Operating Fund" shallbe used for the administration and support of the water resources board.
(b) The water resources board shall borrow money and issueits notes and bonds therefor, for the purposes set forth in this chapter, andpursuant to the authority and the procedures set forth in chapter 15.1 of thistitle, which shall be secured by pledging or assigning, in whole or in part,the revenues and other monies held or to be deposited in the water qualityprotection funds and any other revenues derived under this chapter.
(c) Any supplier with its own water quality protection fundmay borrow money, and/or issue its bonds or notes therefor, or may lease publicfacilities or public equipment for the purposes set forth in this chapter. Thesupplier must secure any borrowings, bonds, notes, or leases by pledging orassigning, in whole or in part, the revenues and other monies held by it in itsown water quality protection fund.
(d) All amounts in the water quality protection fund, waterquality protection charges, and any other revenues of the water resourcesboard, excluding those deposited as general revenues, received under theprovisions of this chapter shall be deemed to be trust funds to be held andapplied solely as provided in this chapter and chapter 15.1 of this title.
(e) Any money which may accumulate in the water qualityprotection funds, which is in excess of that pledged to repayment ofoutstanding bonds or notes or lease payments or loan repayments at any giventime, may be used directly for eligible expenditures from the fund and shall bedisbursed for these purposes in accordance with § 46-15.3-11.