§ 46-15.7-2 Definitions. The following words and phrases shall have the meanings stated herein when usedin this chapter:
(1) "Board" means the Rhode Island water resources boardcreated by chapter 15 of this title.
(2) "Person" means and is defined by § 46-13-2(2).
(3) "Safe yield" means a sustainable withdrawal that can becontinuously supplied from a water source without adverse effects throughout acritical dry period with a one percent (1%) chance of occurrence, or one thatis equivalent to the drought of record, whichever is worse.
(4) "Water source" means any location at which ground orsurface water may be withdrawn for any purpose, including tidal waters,harbors, estuaries, rivers, brooks, watercourses, waterways, wells, springs,lakes, ponds, impoundments, diversion structures, wetlands, aquifers, rechargeareas, and any others that are contained within, flow through, or border onthis state or any portion thereof.
(5) "Water Supply System Management Plan" means a plan, whichmay be an element of a local comprehensive plan, adopted and approved inaccordance with chapter 15.3 of this title.
(6) "Withdrawal" means taking of water from a water sourcefor any purpose, regardless of the quantity or quality of the water taken orits eventual disposition including return to the same water source.