§ 46-15-1 Legislative declaration. The general assembly hereby finds and declares that:
(1) The state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations hasbeen endowed with many and abundant sources of water supplies locatedadvantageously, for the most part, throughout the state. The properdevelopment, protection, conservation, and use of these water resources areessential to the health, safety, and welfare of the general public, and to thecontinued growth and economic development of the state;
(2) In recent years it has become increasingly apparent thatwater supply management, protection, development, and use must be fullyintegrated into all statewide planning, and rivers and watershed planning andmanagement processes, and that the allocation of the state's water resources toall users, purposes, and functions, including water to sustain our naturalriver and stream systems and natural biotic communities, must be equitablydecided and implemented under a process which emphasizes efficiency of use andmanagement, minimization of waste, protection of existing supplies, demandmanagement, drought management, conservation, and all other techniques toensure that our water resources serve the people of Rhode Island for thelongest time, in the most efficient use, and in an environmentally sound manner;
(3) The character and extent of the problems of waterresource development, utilization, and control, and the widespread and complexinterests which they affect, demand action by the government of the state ofRhode Island in order to deal with these problems in a manner which adequatelyprotects the general welfare of all the citizens of the state;
(4) In order to retain and encourage the expansion of ourpresent industries, and to attract new industries, and to promote the propergrowth and desirable economic growth of the entire state, and to sustain theviability of water resource-dependent natural systems, agriculture, andrecreation, state government must play an active role in fostering and guidingthe management of water resources;
(5) There are state and municipal departments, specialdistricts, private firms, and other agencies in the state who have capabilitiesand experience in the design, construction, operation, and financing of watersupply and transmission facilities, which capabilities and experience must bebrought to bear on the total problem of water resources development in acoordinated manner if the proper development, conservation, apportionment, anduse of the water resources of the state are to be realized; and
(6) It shall be the duty of the water resources board toregulate the proper development, protection, conservation and use of the waterresources of the state.