§ 46-15-10 Public nuisances Abatement. (a) Any violation of any provision of this chapter, any rule or regulationpromulgated pursuant to this chapter, or any term or condition of any permit,shall constitute a public nuisance. Any person, municipality, municipal waterdepartment or agency, special water district, or private water company,committing a violation shall be liable for the costs of abatement of anypollution and any public nuisance caused by the violation. The superior courtis hereby given jurisdiction over actions to recover the costs of the abatement.
(b) Any activity or condition declared by this chapter to bea nuisance or which is otherwise in violation of this chapter, shall beabatable in the manner provided by law or equity for the abatement of publicnuisances. In addition, the water resources board may proceed in equity toabate nuisances or to restrain or prevent any violation of this chapter.