§ 46-15-14 Emergencies and imminenthazards. The division of planning, subject to the approval of the governor, shallpromulgate an adequate plan for the provision of safe drinking water for theinhabitants of the state when a water emergency has been declared by thegovernor. A water emergency shall include floods or situations in which watersupplies are insufficient to meet the needs of the inhabitants of the stateeither through a water shortage or contamination of water supplies. In a wateremergency, the governor may take such actions and issue such orders as may benecessary to implement the plan, including the imposition of conservationmeasures and the allocation of water supplies. The actions and orders may bedirected to state agencies, municipalities, or entities engaged in the sale ofwater to the public. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the responsibility forsetting rates for the purchase and sale of water shall not be affected by thissection.