§ 46-15-18 Relations with othergovernmental bodies and agencies. In order to adequately protect the interests of the state in its waterresources, the water resources board is hereby authorized to:
(1) Cooperate with the appropriate agencies of the federalgovernment, of the state or other states, or any interstate bureau, group,division, or agency with respect to the use of ground and surface waters, whichare without or wholly or partially contained within this state, and to endeavorto harmonize any conflicting claims which may arise therefrom.
(2) Appear, represent, and act for the state in respect toany proceeding before either a federal or state governmental body or agencywhere the water resources of the state may be affected, and may do and performsuch acts in connection therewith as it deems proper to protect the interestsof the state.
(3) Present for the consideration of the congress or officersof the federal government, as occasion requires, the just rights of the statein relation to its waters, and institute and prosecute appropriate actions andproceedings to secure those rights, and defend any action or proceedingcalculated to impair those rights.
(4) Facilitate, encourage and support water resourcesmanagement on a watershed basis, in a manner that supports systems levelplanning.