§ 46-15-20 Exemption from taxation. The exercise of the powers granted by this chapter will be in all respects forthe benefit of the people of the state, for the increase of their commerce,welfare, and prosperity, and for the improvement of their health and livingconditions, and will constitute the performance of an essential governmentfunction, and neither the water resources board nor any municipal water agency,or department, or special water district to whom the water resources board hasleased any of its properties or other facilities, shall or may be required topay taxes or assessments upon or in respect of those properties or facilitiesacquired, leased, or used by the water resources board under the provisions ofthis chapter, or upon any improvements constructed on property owned by theboard by any municipal water agency, or department, or special water district,or upon the income therefrom; provided, however, the general assembly maydirect payments in lieu of taxes to be paid to a city or town in which thoseproperties or facilities are located.