§ 46-15-5 Water supply to other states. (a) No municipal water departments or agencies, special water districts, orprivate water companies shall transport or carry through pipes, conduits,ditches, or canals, the waters of any fresh water lake, pond, brook, river,stream, or creek in this state or any well, subsurface, or percolating watersof this state into any other state for use therein except where the consent inwriting of the water resources board has been obtained.
(b) A petition in writing for that consent must be filed withthe water resources board accompanied by such plans and documents as the waterresources board may require. The provisions of § 45-15-4 shall, so far aspracticable, apply to all proceedings to be had subsequent to the filing of thepetition as if the petition were one filed pursuant to the provision of §46-15-4.
(c) The water resources board shall enforce the provisions ofthis section, and the superior court, by injunction, may, upon an applicationof the director, prevent any unauthorized diversion or transportation.
(d) Nothing contained herein shall be construed to affect anycontracts or other arrangements in existence on September 1, 1990, wherein amunicipal water department or agency, special water district, or private watercompany is supplying to and/or purchasing water from any agency or other entityin another state.