§ 46-16-4 Issuance of certificates toemployees of treatment plants. (a) The commission may administer programs of training and certification forpersonnel, and may make classifications thereof. Any certificate issued by thecommission shall be accepted by this state and all agencies and subdivisionsthereof as conclusive evidence that the holder has the training, education, andexperience necessary for certification for the class of position orresponsibility described therein. The director of the department ofenvironmental management may impose and administer any other requirements forcertification within any applicable provisions of law, but it shall notreexamine or reinvestigate the applicant for a certificate with respect to hisor her training, education, or experience qualifications.
(b) The commission shall keep a record of all certificatesissued by it, and in response to any inquiry concerning such a certificate, thecommission shall inform the inquirer concerning its issuance and validity. Thecommission shall annul any certificate issued by it, if the commission findsthat the certificate was obtained by misrepresentation of any material factrelating to the education, training, or experience of the applicant. Theannulment shall be pursuant to rules and regulations of the commission whichshall afford due notice to the certificate holder and an opportunity to presentrelevant evidence for consideration by the commission.