§ 46-17.1-2 Issuance of permit totransport dredge or waste materials over state waters. (a) The director of the department of environmental management may issue apermit for the transporting and disposal of waste materials within theterritorial waters of this state, provided, that upon receiving an applicationfor the permit, the director shall hold a public hearing and give completedetails as to the nature of the transporting and dumping request. After thehearing and appropriate investigation, if the director determines that themovement and disposal of the materials as set forth in the application wouldnot be in conflict with the marine ecology within or adjacent to the state'sterritorial waters, and that existing fishing grounds would not be damaged ordestroyed, he or she may then issue the permit to the applicant; provided,further, that a state inspector be on board the tow vessel at all times duringtransporting and dumping operations to assure compliance with the termscontained in the permit. The state inspector shall be a qualified sailorselected by the director of the department of environmental management.Inspector's wages will be determined on the basis of the current rate forcomparable work. Wages will be paid to inspectors from the general treasury.However, all wages to be paid to inspectors will be paid to the state inadvance by the person or firm requesting the permit. The director may revokethe permit at any time for sufficient cause.
(b) The provisions of this chapter shall be enforced by stateconservation officers within the department of environmental management.Nothing herein shall be deemed to apply to dredging, disposal of dredgematerials and/or the transportation thereof regulated under § 46-23-18and/or 46-23-18.1.