§ 46-17-3 Ratification by Rhode Island. When the governor shall have executed the compact on behalf of this state andcaused a copy thereof to be filed in the office of the secretary of state, asrequired by § 46-17-2, and the compact shall have been ratified by anythree (3) or more of the states named in article X thereof in accordance withthe constitution and laws of the states, and when the United States hasprovided by law for the designation of its representation on the commission,then the compact shall become operative and effective between this state andother members of the compact. The governor is hereby authorized and directed,upon the execution of the compact by the governor and the filing of therequired copy thereof in the office of the secretary of state, to notifyforthwith the governors of the named states and the president of the UnitedStates, that this state on its part has ratified the compact. The originalnotice of ratification received from the governor or other duly authorizedofficial of any member joining in the compact shall be filed with the officialcopy of the compact in the office of the secretary of state; and the notice, ifany, as may be received from the president or the congress of the UnitedStates, signifying that the United States has provided by law for thedesignation of its representation on the commission, shall be filed in the samemanner.