§ 46-18-2 Action for damages from dam Liability of mill and dam for recovery. Any person aggrieved or injured by the following of the pond raised by the dam,or by the stopping or raising of the water either above or below the dam, or bythe backing of water under his or her land, or by the flowing out of any fallof water in his or her land by means of the dam, may commence a civil action,in the superior court for the county in which the dam is, against the owner ofthe dam or any precedent owner thereof, and a copy of the complaint shall beleft by the officer serving the complaint in the office of the town clerk ofthe town in which the dam is; and the mill and milldam complained of, togetherwith all their appurtenances and the land under and adjoining the mill andmilldam, shall thenceforth be pledged and liable for the damages which may berecovered in the action.