§ 46-22.1-4 Fees Duplicates. (a) The department shall charge a twenty-five ($25.00) fee to issue acertificate of title, and a five dollar ($5.00) fee to transfer a title, orissue a corrected and duplicate certificate of title. A fifteen dollar ($15.00)late fee shall be charged to any owner not timely filing an application for atitle certificate under § 46-22.1-3.
(b) If a certificate of title is lost, stolen, mutilated,destroyed, or becomes illegible, the first lien holder or, if there is none,the owner named in the certificate, as shown by the departments' records shall,within thirty (30) days, obtain a duplicate by applying to the department. Theapplicant shall furnish information concerning the original certificate and thecircumstances of its loss, disappearance, mutilation, or destruction as thedepartment may require. Mutilated or illegible certificates shall be returnedto the department with the application for a duplicate and required fee.
(c) The duplicate certificate of title shall be markedplainly "duplicate" across the face, and may be mailed or delivered to theapplicant.
(d) If a lost or stolen original certificate of title forwhich a duplicate has been issued is recovered, the original shall besurrendered promptly to the department for cancellation.