§ 46-22-12 Water skis and surfboards. (a) No person shall operate a vessel on any waters of this state for towing aperson or persons on water skis, or a surfboard, or similar device unless thereis in the vessel a person at least twelve (12) years of age, in addition to theoperator, in a position to observe the progress of the person or persons beingtowed. Any person or persons on water skis, a surfboard, a tube or similardevice that is being towed behind a vessel on any waters of this state shall berequired to wear a life jacket approved by the U.S. Coast Guard.
(b) No person shall operate a vessel on any waters of thisstate towing a person or persons on water skis, a surfboard, or similar device,nor shall any person engage in water skiing, surfboarding, or similar activityat any time between the hours from one hour after sunset to one hour beforesunrise.
(c) The provisions of subsections (a) and (b) do not apply toa performer engaged in a professional exhibition or a person or persons engagedin an activity authorized under § 46-22-13.
(d) No person shall operate or manipulate any vessel, towrope, or other device by which the direction or location of water skis, asurfboard, or similar device may be affected or controlled in such a way as tocause the water skis, surfboard, or similar device, or any person thereon tocollide with or strike against any object or person.