§ 46-22-13.1 Marine safety zones. (a) The director of the department of environmental management is herebyauthorized, when necessary for the safety of the public and/or protection ofthe environment, to establish temporary safety zones on the waters of thisstate for the purposes of restricting vessel traffic, and direct those personsauthorized to enforce the provisions of this chapter to prosecute in districtcourt any violations of any marine safety zone. The director shall coordinatewith the U.S. Coast Guard and, when applicable, local harbormasters prior tothe establishment of a marine safety zone.
(b) As described in this section, a temporary marine safetyzone shall not exist for longer than seventy-two (72) consecutive hours. Onlyin the event of an environmental disaster, marine disaster or public safetyemergency shall the director have the authority to extend the zone beyondseventy-two (72) hours.
(c) Any person who violates any provision of this sectionshall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to imprisonment not toexceed one year or a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1000), or both,for each violation.