§ 46-22-14 Local regulation. (a) The provisions of this chapter, and of other applicable laws of this state,shall govern the operation, equipment, numbering, and all other mattersrelating thereto whenever any vessel shall be operated on the waters of thisstate, or when any activity regulated by this chapter shall take place thereon;but nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the adoption of anyordinance or local law relating to operation and equipment of vessels, theprovisions of which are identical to the provisions of this chapter, amendmentsthereto, or regulations issued thereunder; provided, that the ordinances orlocal laws shall be operative only so long as and to the extent that theycontinue to be identical to provisions of this chapter, amendments thereto, orregulations issued thereunder.
(b) Any subdivision of this state may, at any time, but onlyafter public notice, make formal application to the department of environmentalmanagement for special rules and regulations with reference to the operation ofvessels on any waters within its territorial limits, and shall set forththerein the reasons which make those special rules or regulations necessary orappropriate.
(c) The department of environmental management is herebyauthorized to make special rules and regulations, not inconsistent with chapter9 of this title or the rules and regulations issued thereunder, with referenceto the operation of vessels not more than sixty-five feet (65') in length onany waters within the territorial limits of any subdivision of this state.