§ 46-22-15.2 Service on nonresident. Service of process as described in § 46-22-15.1, shall be made by leavinga copy of the process with a fee of five dollars ($5.00) in the office of thesecretary of state in the hands of the secretary or someone acting in thesecretary's stead and such service shall be sufficient service upon thenonresident; provided, that notice of the service and a copy of the processshall be forthwith sent by the plaintiff or his or her attorney by certifiedmail to the defendant at the address given upon the defendant's application fora number, and the sender's post office receipt of sending and the plaintiff'sor the plaintiff's attorney's affidavit of compliance herewith are appended tothe process and entered with the declaration, or that the notice and a copy ofthe process are served upon the defendant by leaving the same in thedefendant's hands and possession by a duly constituted public officer qualifiedto serve civil process in the state or jurisdiction where the defendant isfound, and that officer's return showing the service to have been made at leastfifteen (15) days before the return day of the process is appended to theprocess and entered with declaration. The court in which the action is pendingmay order such continuances as may be necessary to afford the defendantreasonable opportunity to defend the action.