§ 46-22-24 Scuba divers, skin diving, orsnorkeling Warning flags. (a) Any person scuba diving, skin diving, or snorkeling in an area where poweror motor boats are operated, shall place a warning flag on a buoy at a place ofhis or her submergence, the flag to be at least twelve by twelve inches (12" s 12") with a white stripe running from the diagonal corners which stripeshall be one quarter (1/4) as wide as the flag, or conspicuously flown upon aboat which he or she is then using in the area, in which case the flag shall beat least eighteen by eighteen inches (18" s 18") and with a white striperunning from one upper corner to a diagonal lower corner, which stripe shall beone quarter (1/4) as wide as the flag itself. The flag shall be in place onlywhile diving operations are in progress and, during the hours between sunsetand sunrise, this flag shall be illuminated by a light shining on the flag.Motorboats shall not be operated within fifty feet (50') of any flag as abovedescribed. No person shall be in violation of this section if he or she travelswithin fifty feet (50') of a scuba diver or snorkeler who is in factobstructing navigation.
(b) Any person violating the provisions of this section shallbe deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of not morethan fifty dollars ($50.00).
(c) However, any person using the above scuba diving, snorkeldiving, or skin diving flag with the intention of obstructing navigation shallbe guilty of a misdemeanor and shall also be subject to a fine of not more thanfifty dollars ($50.00).