§ 46-22-4 Identification number andregistration fee. (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), the owner of each motorboatshall file biennially an application for registration with the department ofenvironmental management on forms approved by the director. The applicationshall be accompanied by a registration fee according to the following schedule:
(i) For the purpose of the above fee schedule, "overalllength" shall be defined as the horizontal distance between the foremost partof the stem, and, the aftermost part of the stern, excluding bowsprits,bumpkins, rudders, outboard motor brackets, and similar fittings orattachments. For purposes of this section, a fraction of a foot shall be deemedto be the next higher foot.
(ii) The fee payable under this section for any motorboatowned by a nonprofit organization shall not exceed fifty dollars ($50.00).
(iii) All vessels over thirty feet (30') may, upon request,pay the registration fee annually at the rate of one-half (1/2) the biennialfee for a vessel of the same length.
(2) Upon receipt of the completed application and correctregistration fee, the department of environmental management shall enter theapplication and registration fee into its records, and issue to the owner acertificate of number stating the number awarded to the motorboat and the nameand address of the owner. The owner shall paint on or attach to each side ofthe bow of the motorboat the identification number in such manner as may beprescribed by rules and regulations of the department of environmentalmanagement in order that it may be clearly visible. The number shall bemaintained in legible condition. The certificate of number shall be pocket sizeand shall be available at all times for inspection on the motorboat for whichissued, whenever that motorboat is in operation.
(b) The owner of any motorboat already covered by anidentification number, in full force and effect, which has been awarded to itpursuant to then operative federal law or a federally approved numbering systemof another state, shall record the number with the department of environmentalmanagement prior to operating the motorboat on the waters of this state inexcess of the ninety (90) day reciprocity period provided for in §46-22-6(a). The recordation shall be in the manner and subject to the procedureand fees required for the award and transfer of a number under subsections (a)and (c) through (i), except that no additional or substitute number shall beissued.
(c) Should the ownership of a motorboat change, a newapplication form shall be filed with the department of environmentalmanagement. Should the change in ownership take place before the date uponwhich the certificate of number expires, the new owner shall pay anadministrative fee of ten dollars ($10.00). The number assigned to the vesselshall remain with the vessel and be non-transferable while the vessel remainscertified in the state of Rhode Island; provided, however, that upon therequest of the owner of a duly registered vessel of historic value that is morethan fifty (50) years old, the number assigned to the vessel may be transferredto a different historic vessel owned by the same person. The original vesselwill be given a new registration number and the owner shall pay a transfer feeof six dollars ($6.00) for each vessel.
(d) In the event that an agency of the United Statesgovernment shall have in force an overall system of identification numberingfor motorboats within the United States, the numbering system employed pursuantto this chapter by the department of environmental management shall be inconformity therewith.
(e) All records of the department of environmental managementmade or kept pursuant to this section shall be public records.
(f) The department of environmental management shall fix aday and month of the year on which the certificate of number is due to expireand no longer be of any force and effect, unless renewed pursuant to thischapter.
(g) The owner shall furnish the department of environmentalmanagement notice of the transfer of all or any part of the owner's interest,other than the creation of a security interest in a motorboat numbered in thisstate, pursuant to subsections (a) and (b), or of the destruction orabandonment of the motorboat, within fifteen (15) days thereof. Thatdestruction shall terminate the certificate of number for the motorboat.
(h) Any holder of a certificate of number shall notify thedepartment of environmental management within fifteen (15) days if the holder'saddress no longer conforms to the address appearing on the certificate andshall, as a part of the notification, furnish the department of environmentalmanagement the new address. The department of environmental management mayprovide, in its rules and regulations, for the surrender of the certificatebearing the former address or for the alteration of an outstanding certificateto show the new address of the holder.
(i) No number, other than the number awarded to a motorboator granted reciprocity pursuant to this chapter, shall be painted, attached, orotherwise displayed on either side of the bow of the motorboat.
(j) Biennial registration shall be phased in, alphabetically,over a two (2) year period starting January 1, 1999 at which time all ownerswhose last names begin with the letters "A" through "M" applications forregistration will be accepted for consideration on a biennial basis. Ownerswhose last names begin with the letters "N" through "Z" shall be subject tobiennial registration starting January 1, 2000.